Tuesday, March 30, 2010


人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。 苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。 昔孟母,择邻处。子不学,断机杼。 窦燕山,有义方。教五子,名俱扬。 养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。 子不学,非所宜。幼不学,老何为。 玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。 为人子,方少时。亲师友,习礼仪。 香九龄,能温席。孝于亲,所当执。 融四岁,能让梨。弟于长,宜先知。 首孝悌,次见闻。知某数,识某文。 一而十,十而百。百而千,千而万。 三才者,天地人。三光者,日月星。 三纲者,君臣义。父子亲,夫妇顺。 曰春夏,曰秋冬。此四时,运不穷。 曰南北,曰西东。此四方,应乎中。 曰水火,木金土。此五行,本乎数。 十干者,甲至癸。十二支,子至亥。 曰黄道,日所躔。曰赤道,。。。

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My personality test

You are a DIRECTOR / builder

You are a leader - an independent thinker who approaches problems with a rigorous, rational and systematic mind. And with your curiosity, persistence, irreverence and logic, you tend to find innovative solutions to complex problems.

You tend to be bold, assertive and hard working. You are good with details, particularly technical details, and you enjoy talking about your work with others.

You are highly loyal to friends and family. And you like to share the status and other perquisites your excellent work has bestowed on you with those who are close to you.

Although you are good with people and enjoy being part of a stable and secure social network, you easily spend time alone, pursuing your own projects and goals.

You tend to be protective and pragmatic. And your friends and family find you innovative and interesting to be with.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Introduce myself

I'm myself. thank you